My Little Corner of the World

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Learning to trust in Him

When I was little, I used to have terrible nightmares. Many of them were very weird and didn’t make any sense (I am sure a shrink would have a field day with me!). But one dream I would have repeatedly was one where I was falling, not knowing if someone would catch me or if I would land softly somewhere. Have you ever had one of those dreams?

Sometimes I think our trust in God is kind of like that falling dream. We want to take that leap of faith and trust Him fully in all things. I don’t know about you, but I kind of like being in control of things. I like to have a list, I like things a certain way, I like to know what is going to happen next, I like to plan things out. But when I live this way, am I being fully surrendered to how God wants to work in my life?


Back in May, when we decided I would take the leap of faith to go on this Compassion trip to Mexico, we knew that I would be visiting Eduardo. Then we found out that his center was being closed and there was no way for us to meet up with him.

So over the last few months, I have been in contact with our trip leader, e-mailing him once a month to see if he knows what centers we will be visiting so we could choose another child to sponsor, because ‘I want to know who we will be sponsoring before we go on this trip’. But is it really so important for me to know this before we go?


Yesterday morning at breakfast, we discussed this very issue. God knows what child needs us, and He knows who we need to sponsor. I believe this is one of those times when I need to let go of trying to control the situation and allow Him to be in control. Because He has the perfect plan in place already. And that is where I can have peace that surpasses all understanding…


So we leave in 86 days…on a journey that God has already worked out all the details…praying I learn to trust Him more on this journey…