You went to Yosemite how many times?!?

Between June of 2020 and June of 2021, I went to Yosemite National Park twenty times.

Yes, you read that correctly, twenty times.

Of course, gas was a whole lot cheaper then. But that is a whole other topic…I have been meaning to write and post something about all my trips to Yosemite, but I am finally making time to do so…

Once the national park system decided to open the parks back up after being closed for almost four months in the spring of 2020, I was dying to make a day trip to one of my favorite places. They had implemented a reservation system, and I did my best to take full advantage of using it as often as possible.

After months of being told by the government to stay home (not that I stayed inside my home that whole time), I was beyond ready for a full day outside in the sunshine, getting lots of fresh air and exercise, spending time in God’s beautiful creation.

From June of 2020 until June of 2021, I explored parts of Yosemite I had never explored before. I hiked more miles in one year than I had probably ever done before. I kept track of my steps on each visit and figure I hiked about 90 miles in the park that year. I took 12 people to Yosemite for the very first time.

There were two hikes that have to be my absolute favorites from that year. The first one is Lembert Dome. My daughter-in-law and I did this hike in August of 2020. The whole time on the trail we probably saw no more than 25 people. The view from the top of the dome looking out toward the eastern sierra mountains was incredible!

And believe me, no photo is ever going to do this view justice. There is nothing like hiking up a trail at over 8000 feet above sea level and seeing an almost 360 degree view of Tuolumne Meadows and the surrounding area. This is one hike that I would definitely do again!

My other favorite hike from that year has to be Columbia Rock. This trail is the first part of the Upper Yosemite Falls trail. As I was making my way up this trail, I almost didn’t think I was going to make it! It is a brutal 1000 foot elevation gain in just one mile! But the view is so worth it!

I loved this hike so much that I brought my daughter-in-law with me to hike this same trail the following month.

It amazes me that so many people live within driving distance of this incredible place and have never been. I spend $80 for the National Park Pass and it is so worth the price. It you live in the state of California, you are within driving distance of at least one national park, given that we have nine national parks in our state, the most in all of the United States. I have been to five of the nine national parks in California, so I need to make time to get to the other four.

Do you have a favorite national park in our country?

California Day Trips!

Anyone who knows me really well, knows how much I love a good adventure!

Over the past three months, I have spent a lot of time outside, exploring the beautiful state where I live.

Living in the Central Valley of California, I have access to the coast and the mountains, all within a couple of hours drive in each direction.

One of my dream jobs would be to take people on day trips and take candid and portrait photos while we explore some amazing parts of California.

Since this is not really the best time to be starting some sort of travel-related business, I decided to start a new Instagram account highlighting some of my favorite places close to where I live.

Half Dome from Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park

One of my most favorite day trip destinations is Yosemite National Park. Even with all the times I have been here, I still have not explored and discovered all that this park has to offer.

As I mentioned in my Instagram post, the current reservation system prevents us from making a spontaneous trip to Yosemite, but now is the time to head up to the mountains and explore this park, especially if you have never been here.

Normally, Yosemite Valley is very crowded during the summer months with thousands of international visitors. As much as I miss chatting with international visitors, I am enjoying the less crowded park.

Have you been to Yosemite? What is your favorite part of the park?

What is your favorite California day trip location?

Day Trip and a New App

We haven't had much rain around here this season. So when we had a storm move through here earlier this week, I was a bit excited that one of my favorite day trip locations might actually have received a bit of snow. I was hoping there was enough snow to be able to take my iPhone and my DSLR along to capture some incredible photos.

So with a couple of friends and their children, we made the drive to Yosemite yesterday. We took along layers of clothing, expecting it to be a bit on the chilly side and possibly see some snow on the valley floor.

Unfortunately, the snow that fell on Tuesday had no chance of lasting with our warm spring temperatures. Even though we didn't see any snow in Yosemite Valley, the tops of the towering granite mountains had enough snow to add just a bit of a reminder that it really is still early spring.

On our way out of the park, we did stop at one of my favorite spots to take a photo:

Before photo, straight from my iPhone with no edits and no filters

Before photo, straight from my iPhone with no edits and no filters

Once I arrived back home, I took a bit of time to edit this photo with a new photo editing app:

After photo, edit done with Enlight

After photo, edit done with Enlight

What app did I use? I have been experimenting with Enlight. Not sure how I found out about this app, but I am loving all of the features of this app. Now, I am not usually one to pay for an app, but because I love photography, I decided the price was worth it.

On the Enlight blog and their Facebook page, they are starting to share some tutorials on how to use some of the features contained in the app to help you create some incredible images.

If you give Enlight a shot, be sure to tag me in one of your photos on Instagram. I would love to see what you create!