For everything there is a season

freesia blooming

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven - Ecclesiastes 3:1

This is just a season, a very busy one at that for us. I believe there are times as a family, when a particular season is a little busier than 'normal'. The past three months have been that really busy season for our family. But I wouldn't trade any of the opportunities and experiences that each one of us have had over this period of time. I just keep reminding myself, that this is just a season.

How have we gotten through this season? Believe me, there have been a few times when I wanted to throw up my hands and say 'Enough!' God knew this would be a busy season for us, but He has provided times of rest when we needed it the most. And for that I am so thankful...

Thanks to the introduction from my friend Jill, I am linking up with Scripture and a Snapshot



Four Photos, Different Settings

One of my goals for this year is to work through a couple of photography books, continuing to educate myself on how to be a better photographer. Right now, I am reading through 'Understanding Exposure' by Bryan Peterson. The first section of the book covers 'Defining Exposure'. Since my freesia bulbs have started blooming, I took my camera out to the backyard and took these four photos:

ISO 100, 50mm, f/11, 1/100 sec

ISO 100, 50mm, f/11, 1/100 sec

ISO 100, 50mm, f/5.6, 1/400 sec

ISO 100, 50mm, f/5.6, 1/400 sec

ISO 100, 50mm, f/4, 1/800 sec

ISO 100, 50mm, f/4, 1/800 sec

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2, 1/3200 sec

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2, 1/3200 sec

I had my camera (Nikon D3100) set to manual mode so I could control the aperture and the shutter speed. You can see a big difference between the first photo and the last photo. 

In the first photo, you can see more details in the whole photo (including the weeds that are now growing with all of the rain that we have had!)

In the last photo, the center flowers are in focus and the surrounding area is blurred. This last photo would be a great one to add a Bible verse to along the top (hmm, just might have to do that!)

Do you typically shoot in manual mode? Which photo is visually appealing to you?

Photo Treasure Hunt - Red & Green

Just a day late on my post here for this week, but here are the red and green things I was able to photograph:

Red and green cupcake liners

Red and green cupcake liners

Red and green Christmas table runner

Red and green Christmas table runner

Red and green Christmas joy

Red and green Christmas joy

Red and green Christmas wreath

Red and green Christmas wreath

Red and green Christmas decorations

Red and green Christmas decorations

Red and green sprinkles

Red and green sprinkles

Ready to join us for our weekly photo treasure hunt?

  • Link up by posting your blog post URL- not just blog URL
  • Link back to one of us (grab button if desired, I hope to have the button in my side bar soon!)
  • Visit other blogs and leave comment love.
  • Be sure to take note of next theme and start collecting more photos. Jill always has a fun transition photo, so be sure to visit her blog to see what the theme is for next week!
  • We reserve the right to remove any links that don’t fit the link up theme or that we find inappropriate
  • And you can tag your photos on Instagram with #phototreasurehunt

Next week's theme is....Lights! Take some time this week to photograph all the Christmas lights you find along your path.