Dear Jesus, Send Me a Sponsor

prayers of hope

Dear Jesus,

My name is Crista and I live in the Philippines. I am 7 years old, and I live with my mom, my dad, and two little brothers. My teacher says you know everything about me, but I thought I would remind you, just in case. My family has been bringing me to the local church to learn more about you. You must have a really big heart to love so many people so much, and I am thankful to learn that you love me too.

But Jesus, I have a really big favor to ask. I have a friend who attends the Compassion program with me and she receives these wonderful letters from a family living in a place called the United States. They send her pictures and stickers and they share Bible verses with her in the letters. She shows me the letters with a joy filled smile on her face. Is it too selfish of me to ask for a sponsor too?

There are many children at the Compassion program who have a sponsor and are receiving letters. They are all so happy on mail day when the letters come. I want to receive letters too. Do you know of a family that could sponsor me? Is there someone out there that will love me too?

I have written this post as an assignment with the Compassion Bloggers for Blog Month. While this post is fictional, there are many children like little Crista who are patiently waiting for that one family to make the sacrifice to be their sponsor. Will you prayerfully consider sponsoring a Compassion child today?