I believe one of the highlights for people traveling on a Compassion Sponsor Tour is meeting their sponsored child. It is estimated that only 1% of sponsored children will ever meet their sponsor. That is a really small percentage, so I consider it a huge blessing that we had this opportunity to travel to Mexico to meet Felix.
But we also had a unique situation. We had only been Felix's sponsor for less than a month (even though we started sponsoring children four years ago). We didn't even send a letter to him yet, and he had never seen our picture. So we didn't have the years of investment of time, prayers, and the exchange of letters than many other sponsors have when they make the trip to visit their child.
Obviously, we had his picture and knew a few details. We knew that Felix lives with his father and mother, and I was able to find out that his older sister is sponsored and he has a brother, whose age we didn't know before we left. I believe this was a part of God's way of helping me to let go of the details and trusting in Him.
Felix's child packet photo
Once we arrived at his center, the kids were all inside waiting for us. I started to look around to see if I could spot him. But we were quickly ushered to our seats so the kids could start their welcome presentations. Then it came time for the six year olds...
Felix is in the second row. You can see him between the girl in the turquoise sweats and the girl with the tan jacket.
...that is when my son and I both saw him. The little boy with that distinctive hair! Our sponsored child! He was so close, but we still had a full morning of activities. Right before lunch, after coming out of the classroom I was helping in, this is what I saw...
"This is Felix!"
...Angie had Felix with her down below and was pointing him out to me saying, "This is Felix!" That is when I saw the smile. The smile that is carved into my mind and into my heart. The smile that will remind me that God is watching over Felix, despite what is going on in his home. And this was not the last smile I saw from him on this day either. After lunch, we had a bit of free time, so I wandered around the area and found Felix over by the swings. I approached him and asked, "Una foto?" He shook his head 'yes'.
Just love his smile!
Such a joy filled smile! Then came the time for the home visits! Just the day before, I learned that we would be visiting Felix's home!
Walking to Felix's home
It was about a five minute walk from the church to Felix's home. I don't remember a lot about the walk over, so I am glad I at least have this one picture to remind me of the area where Felix lives.
Inside Felix's home with his siblings
Once we were inside Felix's home, I finally approached him and reached out to him. He was rather timid to begin with.
Lots of smiling faces!
But then Felix finally let me hold him on my lap! Working through a translator, I asked a lot of questions of Felix, his mom, and his sister. Some of which I remember, and some I don't. I could have brought out my journal and wrote down a lot of what I learned that day while I was there, but I didn't want to lose the sweet moment of just being there.
Before we left, I had the opportunity to pray for Felix and his family. Thankfully our trip leader had my phone and recorded my prayer. I am so glad he did this because I honestly don't even remember what I prayed!
This whole day was like no other day I have ever experienced in my life. I pray that I will have the opportunity to visit Felix again some day in the future. His sweet family will be in my constant thoughts and prayers.
Just last week, we received our first letter from Felix and do you want to know what he asked us to pray for? He wants us to pray that his family will know Jesus. This little boy knows what is important for his family to know. Will you say a prayer for Felix and his family?