When I was a kid, I loved to read (and actually, I still love to read!) In our home library, I have my battered, well-loved paperback copies of the Little House series of books that were read many times as I was growing up. During high school though, reading became a chore as we were 'forced' to read what I considered dry literature and then write about it. To this day, I find it hard to write reviews about books. Sometimes, it is just simply hard to put into words how a book has affected my thinking and my outlook on life.
But like I said, I still love to read and can devour many books over the course of a year. At the end of last year, Jon Acuff announced a challenge on his website, The Empty Shelf Challenge. Basically, start with an empty shelf on your bookcase, and as you finish reading books through the year, you add them to this empty shelf. At the end of the year, you can see all the books that you have read!
Now, I have never been one to make book lists before. It would have been really great if I kept a list of books we have read during our homeschool years, but we haven't (and I do really regret this, but anyway...) But, I do have a Goodreads account which makes it very easy to now keep track of books that I want to read, as well as books that I have finished reading.
I set myself a goal that I would like to read 24 books this year, which easily breaks down to two books per month. So, how have I done so far with the challenge?
Filling up my Empty Shelf
Well, since the challenge was announced at the end of December, I have completed 12 books! You won't see all of the books on my shelf, since I am working my way through books on my Kindle also. If you didn't click the previous link, here is the list of books I have finished so far:
- The Reluctant Prophet by Nancy Rue
- Unexpected Dismounts by Nancy Rue
- Too Far to Say Enough by Nancy Rue
- My One Word by Mike Ashcraft
- Notes from a Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider
- Whispers of Hope by Beth Moore
- The Warrior by Joyce Swann
- Understanding God's Heart for Children by Jennifer Orona
- Crazy Love by Francis Chan
- Working with the Poor by Bryant Myers
- The Hole in the Gospel by Richard Stearns
- Sycamore Row by John Grisham
It is never too late to start a reading challenge. There is even a Pinterest board you can join to share the books you are completing this year.