Do you struggle with clutter in your home? I wish I didn't, but I do. Rather than take care of things as they come into my home, sometimes it seems easier to just add things to a pile and handle it later. So this last week, there were three areas of clutter that I wanted to tackle. How did I do?
No more clutter piles here!
So how did I tackle the clutter piles? One night last week, I had rice cooking on the stove. During that 20 minutes, I attacked all three piles of clutter. Sometimes, just devoting a set amount of time to tackle these projects is all it takes.
Now onto my next project! We are heading into our last week of drama performances, so I am going to have a little more time to work on some bigger projects now that we will not be driving back and forth to class/performances. I found a sweet spring burlap bunting project on Pinterest that I want to make.
Spring burlap bunting project supplies
Everything I need for this project (except the pom-pom garland) was already in my craft room, and I should have enough supplies to make at least four of these. The part that will take the longest is cutting everything out. That might be a good time to listen to a podcast or two.
What are you working on this week?