Last week, I announced that I was planning on tackling my freezer over this past week. A little bit of procrastination on my part led to taking a bit of time this afternoon to tackle this project. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with how quickly I was able to clean out the freezer.
Here is how my freezer looked last week:
The before picture
After throwing out a couple of things and doing a bit of organizing, here is what my freezer looks like now:
And the after picture
Ah, looks so much better! Will it stay like this? Most definitely not! And that is okay. I know this is one place where the contents is always changing. But now I know we need to use up some frozen blueberries soon!
This week, I am hoping to tackle a pretty big project for a friend. I have resisted sewing Civil War dresses for friends because everybody's shape is so different, and when you don't live very close to the person, it makes it a little difficult to do fittings. Since I am trying to earn money to go to Colombia though, I thought this would be a good time for me to tackle this one project.
The beginnings of a Civil War dress
This project may take me more than a week, so I will be sure to at least post my progress next Tuesday.
Are you tackling any big projects soon?