Last week, I happened to read a post in my Bloglovin' blog feed from Mary at Owlhaven where she shared her recipe for homemade laundry detergent. Her post was very timely for me because it was almost time for me to make another batch of laundry detergent. I had been using a recipe from a friend that makes 5 gallons of liquid detergent. One thing nice about Mary's recipe is that it uses all the same ingredients that I already have on hand.
Laundry soap ingredients
Another nice thing about this recipe is that you can make a smaller quantity and it can be ready right away.
Preparing the laundry soap ingredients
In a matter of minutes, I had enough laundry soap to run quite a few batches of laundry.
Laundry soap ready to use!
I only had enough Borax to made half of the recipe, but it made more than enough for me to have laundry soap for quite a few weeks to come! Since yesterday was Monday (which equals 'laundry day' at my house), I used this new-to-me laundry soap and was quite pleased with the results. The hardest part about making the recipe was grating the Fels Naphta soap, but I love that this recipe comes together so quickly. It just might be my go-to laundry soap from here on out!
So what I am going to tackle this week?
Contents of my baker
Yep, this is the contents of my freezer right now. A little disorganized, and really, I am not even really sure what all is in here. Yikes!
What project are you working on this week?