Last week, the focus of my 'Tackle It on Tuesday' post was this:
1000 piece panoramic puzzle
If you recall from that post, we had just started two weeks of everyday rehearsals for the upcoming play my daughter will be performing in. Last week, three of the rehearsals were at night, which meant that we didn't really see my husband or my son for three days!
The puzzle ended up being a fun way that we could work on a project together, even though we really didn't work on the puzzle 'together'.
So, I know you are all just waiting to find out if we finished the puzzle...
Completed puzzle!
Yes, we did!! And it was a tough one! Which is why you see two magnifying glasses on the table (homeschool science kits do come in handy!) We all enjoyed working on the puzzle so much that we are actually thinking of finding another one to work on.
Now that that project is completed, what is going to be my next Tackle It on Tuesday project?
Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson
Last year, I really enjoyed taking a photography class and working through the Capture Your 365 daily prompts. However, once we got to the holidays, then my Mexico trip, then our crazy schedule right now with the play, I just knew I would not be able to commit the time to take on a daily photography project. What I would like to do though, is take some time this year to work through a couple of photography books that I have on hand, and work through some online tutorials to help me improve my photography.
So for this next week, I am going to start out small and just read through the first chapter of this book, Understanding Exposure, by Bryan Peterson. It is one book that my photography teacher had recommended and I haven't made time to read through it before now.
What are you hoping to tackle this upcoming week?