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One thing I have been learning as a Compassion sponsor and advocate is a better sense of geography!

world map

And I don't feel bad admitting this, because we learned at the Experience Compassion Conference at the end of June, that even Scott Todd didn't know where the Dominican Republic was when he became a Compassion sponsor in college.

As Compassion sponsors, I believe one way we can build a better relationship with our sponsored children is to learn more about the country where our sponsored children live. Compassion's web site has a Where We Work link with access to help us learn more about each of the 26 countries where Compassion is currently working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name.

compassion child with stars

So I want to challenge you to earn a gold star!! Do a little research and tell me the following in the comments below:

  1. What is your sponsored child's name and what country do they live in? You would be surprised the number of times I ask people where their sponsored child lives and they can't tell me!
  2. What is the capital of the country where your sponsored child lives?
  3. Tell me one unique fact about the country where your sponsored child lives.
Too Small to Ignore

See this book? If you answer all three questions above, you will earn three gold stars! Each gold star gives you a chance to win this amazing book, Too Small to Ignore, by Dr. Wess Stafford. 

But in order to be eligible, you must leave your comment prior to Thursday, September 4th at noon Pacific time. Winner will be notified by e-mail, so please leave your e-mail address in your comment so I can contact you if you are the winner.