If you have been following my blog for a while and/or you know me in real life, you know that I love photography. Recently, one of the photography Facebook groups I belong to gave an assignment to do a self portrait. Now, I am usually the photographer and not the person being photographed. But I decided to accept the challenge and try to be a bit creative.
I took pictures of my hands on my piano. I took pictures of me reading in my backyard. I even enlisted the help of my daughter to try to capture myself riding my bike. I was trying to capture myself doing things that I enjoy doing.
Once I loaded all the photos on my computer, the one photo that I ended up keeping was this one:
1/100 sec at f/2, ISO 400
Baking is something I really enjoy doing. And the kitchen is one place in my home I spend a lot of time in. So it only seemed natural to take a self portrait of myself in the kitchen baking.
Rather than leave the photo in color, I opted for black and white. I felt there were too many competing textures, colors, and patterns to leave it as a color photo.
I failed to post the photo before the assignment was due in the Facebook group, so I wasn't able to receive any constructive criticism on it. I think if I try this again, I may put the camera up higher on the tripod and angle the camera down a bit so the photo is not straight on.
Our next assignment is to capture images within a 15 foot circle from where you are standing. I am sure I can find a few things in my kitchen to capture.
What photo challenges are you participating in?