Write to your Compassion Child: Sermon Notes

Back at the beginning of March, I wrote out the Bible verses from Matthew 6:25-34. It was reminder for me to not be anxious with all the incoming new’s reports that were coming in about COVID-19. We were getting ready for our son’s wedding, and I really needed a good dose of God’s Word to keep me grounded during that crazy week.

The online sermon I watched before we flew to Illinois for the wedding was from McLean Bible Church and David Platt, the pastor, preached a sermon on those same verses from Matthew 6:25-34. The definition he shared for the word ‘anxiety’ was this: “carrying concerns in this world in such a way that we lose perspective on life and/or lack of trust in God.”

Since March 15, I have watched almost all of the sermons from McLean Bible Church, have learned a lot, and have been encouraged by the sermons they are sharing each week.

This summer, they are doing a series through Philippians 4. The sermon from July 26th addressed the issue of anxiety again.

sermon notes from McLean Bible Church

In this crazy time that we are living through, I know it has been a challenge for me to think about what to write to our Compassion sponsored children. So I thought, sharing some notes from the sermons I have been listening to might be the best thing for them to hear right now.

Words of encouragement from Philippians 4

It is heartbreaking to read the updates from the countries where Compassion works through the local churches. We are living through a time that none of us has ever experienced before.

When I write letters to my Compassion sponsored children, I want to remind them of God’s love for them and encourage them as much as possible. I do not know when our letters will be delivered, but Compassion is encouraging us to continue writing to our sponsored children.

What has been an encouragement for you from the sermons you have listened to over the past few months?